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BonesPix develops


After researching and looking at many, many different sites for photos, photography, and fun sites, we decided to create our own!  We wanted  to display our clients and photos in a unique format!  It has been a work in progress, and a bit more challenging than we first thought, but when we found we had more than 12,000 photos, and FB changed the way albums could/could not be posted, we knew it was time to branch out.  We hope you find this site easy to navigate, comment and enjoy.  Please feel free to make suggestions and comments.  We really love hearing from  you!:)

As we began this journey, we "attempted" to bring a variety of faces from the past with us!  Please accept our apologies right up front as we know someone has been left out!  Just send a reminder, and let us know.  We will happily post!  Since this is just the beginning, your furkid (s) may be in the January or February Gallery which was also created and posted at the same time!  These photos have brought us smiles and tears as we look at the faces of those with us and those who have crossed over!  We love our precious Bones Family, because we sincerely do consider ourselves family joined together by our furkids!


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Facebook "like"

To all the new members of the Bones Family...please remember to hit the Like Button for us on Facebook!!  You can go to the contact page...

How can I get the photos of my dog?

If you would like to obtain photos taken at Bones of your dog (s) then you can!!!   All you have to do is go to the "photo gallery" and...

Winter's End

Well, the brown wintery scenery has finally changed to green and pollen,  but hey we will take it!!  Spring Break was just what everyone...


 Disclaimer: All photgraphy and text contained within this website is the exculsive property of Bones, LLC, and may not be copied, duplicated, or removed without wrtitten permission from Bones, LLC.
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